Week 74: Summer MIRACLES. :D
Click HERE to listen to a message from Karissa to go with this week's message! Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought): Mateo*...
Week 73: Rojo, Blanco, y Azul* (*Red, White, and Blue)
Click HERE to listen to Karissa's voice recording to accompany this week's blog update. Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought):...
Week 71: Backpacking Across the Mision Peru Huancayo
Click HERE to listen to a short voice message from Karissa this week! Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought): Mormon 5 : 23...
Week 70: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlameda where the wind comes sweeping down the plain.....
Click HERE to listen to Karissa's weekly message - this week a personal message that she shared with an investigator! Pensamiento...
Week 60: #PrincipedePaz* (*#PRINCEofPEACE)
Click HERE to listen to a short message accompanying this blog update from Karissa this week! Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual...
Week 56: El Tambo's Got Talent and The Great Zone Fast 2k17
Click here to hear an additional short message from Karissa to accompany this week's update. Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual...
Week 55: God Knows What He's Doing
To hear Karissa's voice this week in a message that accompanies this post, click here. Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought):...
*Click HERE to hear this week's additional short recorded message from Hermana Schmid! Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought): Alma...
Week 51: The Force (Spirit) is Strong with This One
Listen here to this week's short recorded message from Karissa. Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought): An High Priest of Good...
WEEK 50: Call me Taylor Swift (also, how did we get to 50 weeks here??)
Listen to short message (recording) from Hermana Schmid for this week here. Pensamiento Espiritual* (*Spiritual Thought): Deuteronomy 4:...