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Week 23: Que bonito es!* (*How nice it is!)

Pensamientos Espirituales por este semana* (*Spiritual Thoughts for this week):

  • “That love never changes… it is there for you when you are sad or happy; discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it. It is simply always there.”- Thomas S. Monson

  • “In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to KNOW something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to BECOME something.”- Dallin H. Oaks

Last P-day was a p-day of tranquilidad* (*tranquility)! We cleaned, got ready, and had some extra time, so I started studying Revelations. Good times. :) After Internet, we went and got tacos and I drenched mine in rocotto, which is usually not spicy- but it was INSANELY spicy today and cleaned out Sinks and I’s sinuses, to say the least! :) Rico, no* (*funny, right)? Despues* (*Then), we went shopping before coming back to the room and playing lots of Phase 10. We decided that we should do something outside, so we went and hiked El Mirador de Oxa! Era chevere* (*It was very cool). We got back to the room and played more Phase 10 before leaving to proselyte. Although our citas* (*appointments) fell through, we contacted a really cool woman named Bertha! :) For dinner, the yogurt on our fruit salad was definitely expired, leaving us un poco mal* (*a little sick), but, todavia* (*still), good and tranquilo* (*quiet) P-day. :)

On Tuesday, we began the day with a district meeting here in Oxa with the zone leaders and hermana leaders too! We talked about language study and our investigators before getting smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in our rooms. After lunch, we ran into the American guy I met last transfer with Alva and ended up talking to him and his sister about how messed up the world is getting, America, and religion, inviting them to church! :) Despues, we visited Noami and Jasmina (the sister and niece of Carlos, the elders’ recent convert) and getting to know them, focusing on how the gospel is centered on blessing families. :) Despues, we visited Mariella, recent convert, and read El LDM with her before going to Vanessa, menos active* (*less active), and helping her pack her stuff to move. Una dia larga, pero Buena* (*A good long day, but good). :)

Wednesday! After studies, we visited Katty P., menos activo, and read the LDM with her. After lunch, we visited our investigator Angelica R. and read 1 Nefi 1 with her- and she told us she’s moving to Villa Rica tomorrow. :( Despues de farewells* (*After saying goodbyes), we visited Jocelyn, a recent convert, and taught her and her husband from the Book of Omni before going to Anabel, menos activo, and watching The Restoration video and challenging her to pray about Joseph Smith and el LDM* (*El Libro de Mormon - The Book of Mormon)! :) Despues, we visited Lydia, a menos activo, and shared a Mormon Message about perdon* (*forgiveness) and ate some keke! Then we visited Ayde, a menos activo, and read 1 Ne 8 with her and talked about the vision of the Tree of Life. :) We had suerte* (*luck) finding people in house today! :)

En Jueves* (*On Thursday), we used the morning to sacar copias de pasaje* (*make copies of passage/travel) sheets and study. I focused on a talk, Like a Broken Vessel, by Holland- absolutely fantastic and highly recommendable, and my multi-idioma* (*multi-language) study of Italian and Spanish. Era chevere. :) After almuerzo* (*lunch), we visited mi mejor amiga* (*my best friend) Rosa C., recent rescue, and talked with her about how to teach La Restauracion* (*The Restoration) for mission prep. :) Despues, we visited Noami, our investigator, and taught her about the Vida Premortal* (*premortal life) and La Caida de Adan y Eva* (*The fall of Adam and Eve). Luego* (*Then), we visited Mariella, recent convert, and read El Libro de Mormon* (*Book of Mormon) with ella* (*her) before noche de deporte y volley* (*sports night and volleyball). :)

Friday was un poquito… interesante* (*a little…interesting). After studies, weekly planning, and lunch, we had no luck and walked lots all over the city before visiting Verenisse, less active, and her sister Luz and talking with them about the importance of temple sealing in exaltation and talked before going to Noche Misional* (*Mission Night), where the elders taught a lesson on sharing the gospel and we played Hangman! Era chevere. :) Despues, we got a call at cena* (*dinner) telling us that there are lots of new rules for us, including restrictions on P-day. We don’t really know all of them yet, they’ll be elaborated next Tuesday. I’m pretty sure the whole mission doesn’t understand and is a bit upset; but, the rules will hopefully be explained on Tuesday in our district meeting. Cambio de presidente es dificil* (*The change in Mission Presidents is difficult).

Saturday! After morning studies, we accidentally crashed Ana Paola’s (the daughter of Sylvia, recien rescatado* (*recent rescue)) first birthday party! We ate cake, she took pictures, and we all talked before lunch. Luego, we had no luck again with citas (vacaciones* (*vacations) started for fiestas patrias* (*national holidays) and their independence day, the 28th) and contacted up more in the tranquilo campo* (*quiet countryside) areas… and got eaten alive by bugs. Normal. :) We set a cita with our investigator Jose and wandered more to no avail before Consejo de Barrio* (*Neighborhood Council). Despues, we were supposed to watch the Pioneer Day transmission from Salt Lake, but, due to a miscalculation of time change, we couldn’t watch it live and instead watched an old celebration of MoTab* (*Mormon Tabernacle choir). :) Difficult day; nevertheless, a good one. :)

Domingo* (*Sunday)! En la manana* (*In the morning), we went to the capilla* (*chapel) and were presented with surprise testimonies and talks. Fun times. :) After reuniones y almuerzo* (*meetings and lunch), we left and had little luck before visiting Carmen (less active) and her daughter Coxy (investigator)! We read 1 Nefi 3 with them and explained the story before visiting with Mariella, a converso reciente* (*recent convert), and teaching her about the Living Christ. Luego, we visited Angelica B., menos activo, and talked with her about the trials she’s pasando ahora* (*going through now). Sometimes all people need is someone to listen. :) We left 2 Nefi 4 as tarea* (*a task) before going to Rosa C., recent rescue, and talking about the message of the Restoration and the importance of el LDM and talked with her. Chevere dia* (*great day). :)

Other thought for the week: GO TO THE TEMPLE. When you go and do the work, you will not only help others to achieve happiness, but you will remember the covenants that you have made! Especially to those of you in Utah, temples are close. Make time once a week (or, if not possible, once a month) to go to the temple. Answers can be found and happiness and peace can be brought to yourself and others. :)

I’m not entirely sure what we’re going to do today, but we will probably go to Chontabamba to Rancho Victoria… we’ll definitely be eating tacos. :)

Ojala que este semana va a ser lo MAXIMO por cada uno de ustedes* (*Hopefully his week will be the best for each of you)! :)

Con amor y mis oraciones para siempre jamas* (*With love and prayers forever and ever),

Hermana Schmid

(*Italic translations by Karissa’s mom using google translate)

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